TiBolt Pen

A Unique, American Made, 100% Titanium, Bolt Action Pen with optional Capacitive Stylus Nib! Accepts
Parker or Fisher style refills.
It’s an American made Titanium bolt action pen based on the bolt action mechanism I came up with
several years ago.
The bolt action is becoming a pretty popular mechanism, with many folks using it lately in one form
or another. The TiBolt has recently won an award for the Best Non Knife Accessory at the 2012 Usual
Suspect Network’s Gathering against some pretty stiff competition, including pens from a well known
manufacturer and a custom pen maker. Enough about that, let’s get down to what I am offering.
What we have here is the latest iteration of the pen that I have been making for years, but with
several improvements. Instead of just one guy, the TiBolt will be built by an experienced team of
American craftsmen.