30 Caliber Bolt Action Pens

Pens for the enthusiast, be it yourself or someone you know. Custom made to your specifications. You choose the size, wood and style!
30 Caliber Bolt Action Bullet Pens!
I’m a computer tech by day and a wood hobbyist by night. In the evenings and weekends I like to spend my time making projects with wood. My latest find are these awesome looking 30 caliber bolt action pens. The ink is actually controlled by the bolt action. Sure to please all enthusiasts including: military, hunters, 2nd amendment and anyone else who just likes cool stuff. They are awesome! I’m making the pens in three different colors and in three different sizes! Pick your poison or get a trio to enjoy one of each size or color.
So you might be wondering since this is my hobby, why do I have a kickstarter page? Well, it may be my hobby, but I don’t have any of my own tools! I’m constantly having to borrow from friends and while they say they don’t mind I would love to have the money to get my own tools to use at home! A good lathe can cost several thousand dollars before adding in the shaping tools, then there is a drill press, a band saw, a disc sander, a belt grinder and many more random tools. Raising this money will help me to work on projects without having to worry about scheduling time with someone else’s tools. In addition to tools, the money will pay for the materials needed to create the pledge rewards.